Regional Anaesthesia Curriculum Resources

The material provided below has been curated by Regional Anaesthesia UK with input also from the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) and the British Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Society (BOAS). Suggested content for each Key Capability of each Stage Learning Outcome is provided, along with supplementary reading for those interested. Free online resources can vary in quality, and what is included below has been reviewed and recommended by national experts who believe this reflects contemporary, best practice. Whilst not an exhaustive list, we hope the content herein will facilitate achievement of the High Level Outcome which ultimately is to provide safe and effective regional anaesthesia. The document has been generated with approval from the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) but the content is not formally endorsed as such.

This document was last updated 10/4/24



 RCoA RAUK curriculum guide 2021 v4 

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