NIAA RA-UK Project Grant

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RA-UK wishes to promote scientific study and the academic basis of the sub-specialty. We appreciate financial support is difficult to obtain for regional anaesthesia research, particularly for smaller studies.

The Support

The grant is intended to support research projects involving regional anaesthesia and may be used to contribute towards salaries (in which case, the employer is responsible for ensuring appropriate governance is in place) or for the purchase of items of equipment and consumable items.
The applicant will be required to submit an account of the project within 2 years of award payment.

For further information and details of how to apply visit the NIAA website.

Previous awards

Dr Peter Odor for a prospective evaluation of plasma levobupivacine concentration after fascia iliaca block in fractures neck of femur patients.

Dr Loiuka Tsaprouni forstudying whether cyclooxygenase inhibitors decrease human core temperature during exposure to operating room temperatures.




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