
Prep Stop Block

IMG D55AA6481F01 1Prep Stop Block is here!

This new initiative from the RCoA and the SALG, along with RA-UK is designed to address ongoing issues with the Stop Before You Block Process.

A comprehensive resource is being built, including posters, videos, SOPs etc. You will find all of this on our website as it becomes available.

Click on the poster, or the permanent link in the sidebar.

Meetings & Courses

Looking for regional anaesthesia courses or events to attend?  Look at our Meetings Section which contains a list of forthcoming events, RA-UK Official courses are run by current or previous board members and part of the profit goes towards benefitting the society, RA-UK approved courses meet educational standards set by RA-UK, and we also advertise other courses internationaly for our members benefit. 


Login for members of RA-UK

RA-UK You-Tube channel

rsz youtubeCheck out the RA-UK You-Tube channel - high quality video demonstrations of US guided blocks (videos available - Interscalene , Supraclavicular,Axillary,Radial, Median, Ulnar, Femoral,Proximal Sciatic, Popliteal, Tibial, Rectus, Ilioinguinal, TAP,and Epidural).