ESRA Education Grant

The European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA) offers the ESRA Educational Grant in order to achieve the distinctive goals of ESRA:

  • to encourage specialisation of anaesthesiologists and other physicians in regional anaesthesia or pain management

  • to promote and sponsor courses and workshops

  • to encourage teaching of regional anaesthesia in anaesthesiology training programmes

  • to help anaesthesiologists in under resourced countries

ESRA members from all over the world are encouraged to apply. However, emphasis will be placed  on applications from anaesthesiologists coming from countries that lack the financial infrastructures needed to achieve the education in regional anaesthesia. Such countries include some eastern European or African nations.

Applicants should be ESRA members, have spent a minimal amount of time in their specialty, and be in at least their third year of medical specialisation.

More details at:

ESRA Research Grants

The European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA) proudly presents the ESRA Research Grant in order to achieve the distinctive goals of ESRA such as

  • to encourage specialisation of anaesthesiologists and other physicians in regional anaesthesia or pain management
  • to promote, sponsor and encourage research in experimental, epidemiological or clinical settings regarding regional anaesthesia or pain management
  • to help anaesthesiologists in under-resourced countries to develop their scientific programmes

ESRA members from all over the world are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be ESRA members and should be in at least their third year of medical specialisation.

Applications can be forwarded any time of the year to the ESRA Office.

More details at

NIHR Non-Commercial Partner

RA-UK is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) non-commercial Partner. This means the studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Clinical Research Network. The NIHR Clinical Research Network can now support health and social care research taking place in non-NHS settings, such as studies running in care homes or hospices, or public health research taking place in schools and other community settings. Read the full policy: Eligibility Criteria for NIHR Clinical Research Network Support.

In partnership with your local R&D office, we encourage you to involve your local NIHR Clinical Research Network team in discussions as early as possible when planning your study. This will enable you to fully benefit from the support available through the NIHR Study Support Service. To find out more, please visit:

If your study involves NHS sites in England you will need to apply for Health Research Authority Approval. For guidance on submitting an application please visit:

NIAA RA-UK Project Grant

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RA-UK wishes to promote scientific study and the academic basis of the sub-specialty. We appreciate financial support is difficult to obtain for regional anaesthesia research, particularly for smaller studies.

The Support

The grant is intended to support research projects involving regional anaesthesia and may be used to contribute towards salaries (in which case, the employer is responsible for ensuring appropriate governance is in place) or for the purchase of items of equipment and consumable items.
The applicant will be required to submit an account of the project within 2 years of award payment.

For further information and details of how to apply visit the NIAA website.

Previous awards

Current recipient of the £20k award is Dr Boyne Bellew and team for a project assessing use of virtual reality in teaching regional anaesthesia.

Dr Peter Odor for a prospective evaluation of plasma levobupivacine concentration after fascia iliaca block in fractures neck of femur patients.

Dr Loiuka Tsaprouni forstudying whether cyclooxygenase inhibitors decrease human core temperature during exposure to operating room temperatures.



Educational/Travel/Small Project Grants

At the 2018 Swansea ASM, the board decided to make a regular award to RA-UK members to attend the following courses:


1) One full RA-UK member to attend the ESRA Instructors Course which usually runs in June each year (£500 to support costs/travel).

2) One trainee RA-UK member to attend the ESRA Trainee and Resident Workshop each year (£500 to support costs/travel).

Please make submissions for the 2024 courses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include a paragraph in your email stating why you would like to attend the course, and what your expected learning outcomes would be. Deadline for these applications is 8 weeks prior to the course start date, the recipients of the award will be advised by email then to allow time for study leave/travel arrangements to be made.


Details of the courses can be found here,


Reports from previous trainee attendees can be found here


We are also providing an annual travel grant for any RA-UK member attending either ESRA or ASRA to present scientific work.

The award is discretionary based on merit. Application to be made by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., submitted abstract and proof of meeting acceptance to be sent with application, higher priority will be given to those making an oral presentation.

In the event that the RA-UK award winner wins further a meeting travel award, the RA-UK grant will be awarded to the second choice applicant (or will defer to the next meeting). The £500 award will be paid to the successful applicant after the meeting.


RA-UK will support small project applications up to a maximum of £5000 per year.

Applications will be considered for support by the RA-UK board twice yearly.

These grants should not be applied for to fund reseacrh projects, which should be applied for via the NIAA grants scheme below, which provides peer review and an appropriate level of input to these grants. RA-UK is a funding body for the NIAA.

We will not provide funding for equipment purchases for hospitals, or travel expenses. Projects must be based in the UK and have a primarily regional anaesthesia based content. Applicants must be RA-UK members in good standing.

Applications may be submitted throughout the year, but closing date for consideration of applications will be the end of the month prior to the biannual board meetings (usually end of April, then end of Septmeber).

Please send completed applications to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download an application form:

Small Grant Application Form


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