
RA-UK Curriculum resource document

We are pleased to announce our comprehensive resource document for the 2021 RCoA curriculum. This resource gathers together a rich set of links and useful information for Stages 1-3 of the new curriculum.

We will endeavour to keep this up to date as new resources become available. Last update was 10/4/24.

Please visit the link in the education sidebar, or click here to download it.

Meetings & Courses

Looking for regional anaesthesia courses or events to attend?  Look at our Meetings Section which contains a list of forthcoming events, RA-UK Official courses are run by current or previous board members and part of the profit goes towards benefitting the society, RA-UK approved courses meet educational standards set by RA-UK, and we also advertise other courses internationaly for our members benefit. 


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RA-UK You-Tube channel

rsz youtubeCheck out the RA-UK You-Tube channel - high quality video demonstrations of US guided blocks (videos available - Interscalene , Supraclavicular,Axillary,Radial, Median, Ulnar, Femoral,Proximal Sciatic, Popliteal, Tibial, Rectus, Ilioinguinal, TAP,and Epidural).